API reference

This document is the API reference for Plyvel. It describes all classes, methods, functions, and attributes that are part of the public API.

Most of the terminology in the Plyvel API comes straight from the LevelDB API. See the LevelDB documentation and the LevelDB header files ($prefix/include/leveldb/*.h) for more detailed explanations of all flags and options.


Plyvel exposes the DB class as the main interface to LevelDB. Application code should create a DB and use the appropriate methods on this instance to create write batches, snapshots, and iterators for that LevelDB database.

class DB

LevelDB database

__init__(name, create_if_missing=False, error_if_exists=False, paranoid_checks=None, write_buffer_size=None, max_open_files=None, lru_cache_size=None, block_size=None, block_restart_interval=None, max_file_size=None, compression='snappy', bloom_filter_bits=0, comparator=None, comparator_name=None)

Open the underlying database handle.

Most arguments have the same name as the corresponding LevelDB parameters; see the LevelDB documentation for a detailed description. Arguments defaulting to None are only propagated to LevelDB if specified, e.g. not specifying a write_buffer_size means the LevelDB defaults are used.

Most arguments are optional; only the database name is required.

See the descriptions for DB, DB::Open(), Cache, FilterPolicy, and Comparator in the LevelDB C++ API for more information.

New in version 1.0.0: max_file_size argument

  • name (str) – name of the database (directory name)
  • create_if_missing (bool) – whether a new database should be created if needed
  • error_if_exists (bool) – whether to raise an exception if the database already exists
  • paranoid_checks (bool) – whether to enable paranoid checks
  • write_buffer_size (int) – size of the write buffer (in bytes)
  • max_open_files (int) – maximum number of files to keep open
  • lru_cache_size (int) – size of the LRU cache (in bytes)
  • block_size (int) – block size (in bytes)
  • block_restart_interval (int) – block restart interval for delta encoding of keys
  • max_file_size (bool) – maximum file size (in bytes)
  • compression (bool) – whether to use Snappy compression (enabled by default))
  • bloom_filter_bits (int) – the number of bits to use for a bloom filter; the default of 0 means that no bloom filter will be used
  • comparator (callable) – a custom comparator callable that takes two byte strings and returns an integer
  • comparator_name (bytes) – name for the custom comparator

The (directory) name of this DB instance. This is a read-only attribute and must be set at instantiation time.

New in version 1.1.0.


Close the database.

This closes the database and releases associated resources such as open file pointers and caches.

Any further operations on the closed database will raise RuntimeError.


Closing a database while other threads are busy accessing the same database may result in hard crashes, since database operations do not perform any synchronisation/locking on the database object (for performance reasons) and simply assume it is available (and open). Applications should make sure not to close databases that are concurrently used from other threads.

See the description for DB in the LevelDB C++ API for more information. This method deletes the underlying DB handle in the LevelDB C++ API and also frees other related objects.


Boolean attribute indicating whether the database is closed.

get(key, default=None, verify_checksums=False, fill_cache=True)

Get the value for the specified key, or default if no value was set.

See the description for DB::Get() in the LevelDB C++ API for more information.

New in version 0.4: default argument

  • key (bytes) – key to retrieve
  • default – default value if key is not found
  • verify_checksums (bool) – whether to verify checksums
  • fill_cache (bool) – whether to fill the cache

value for the specified key, or None if not found

Return type:


put(key, value, sync=False)

Set a value for the specified key.

See the description for DB::Put() in the LevelDB C++ API for more information.

  • key (bytes) – key to set
  • value (bytes) – value to set
  • sync (bool) – whether to use synchronous writes
delete(key, sync=False)

Delete the key/value pair for the specified key.

See the description for DB::Delete() in the LevelDB C++ API for more information.

  • key (bytes) – key to delete
  • sync (bool) – whether to use synchronous writes
write_batch(transaction=False, sync=False)

Create a new WriteBatch instance for this database.

See the WriteBatch API for more information.

Note that this method does not write a batch to the database; it only creates a new write batch instance.

  • transaction (bool) – whether to enable transaction-like behaviour when the batch is used in a with block
  • sync (bool) – whether to use synchronous writes

new WriteBatch instance

Return type:


iterator(reverse=False, start=None, stop=None, include_start=True, include_stop=False, prefix=None, include_key=True, include_value=True, verify_checksums=False, fill_cache=True)

Create a new Iterator instance for this database.

All arguments are optional, and not all arguments can be used together, because some combinations make no sense. In particular:

  • start and stop cannot be used if a prefix is specified.
  • include_start and include_stop are only used if start and stop are specified.

Note: due to the whay the prefix support is implemented, this feature only works reliably when the default DB comparator is used.

See the Iterator API for more information about iterators.

  • reverse (bool) – whether the iterator should iterate in reverse order
  • start (bytes) – the start key (inclusive by default) of the iterator range
  • stop (bytes) – the stop key (exclusive by default) of the iterator range
  • include_start (bool) – whether to include the start key in the range
  • include_stop (bool) – whether to include the stop key in the range
  • prefix (bytes) – prefix that all keys in the the range must have
  • include_key (bool) – whether to include keys in the returned data
  • include_value (bool) – whether to include values in the returned data
  • verify_checksums (bool) – whether to verify checksums
  • fill_cache (bool) – whether to fill the cache

new Iterator instance

Return type:


raw_iterator(verify_checksums=False, fill_cache=True)

Create a new RawIterator instance for this database.

See the RawIterator API for more information.


Create a new Snapshot instance for this database.

See the Snapshot API for more information.


Get the specified property from LevelDB.

This returns the property value or None if no value is available. Example property name: b'leveldb.stats'.

See the description for DB::GetProperty() in the LevelDB C++ API for more information.

Parameters:name (bytes) – name of the property
Returns:property value or None
Return type:bytes
compact_range(start=None, stop=None)

Compact underlying storage for the specified key range.

See the description for DB::CompactRange() in the LevelDB C++ API for more information.

  • start (bytes) – start key of range to compact (optional)
  • stop (bytes) – stop key of range to compact (optional)
approximate_size(start, stop)

Return the approximate file system size for the specified range.

See the description for DB::GetApproximateSizes() in the LevelDB C++ API for more information.

  • start (bytes) – start key of the range
  • stop (bytes) – stop key of the range

approximate size

Return type:



Return the approximate file system sizes for the specified ranges.

This method takes a variable number of arguments. Each argument denotes a range as a (start, stop) tuple, where start and stop are both byte strings. Example:

    (b'a-key', b'other-key'),
    (b'some-other-key', b'yet-another-key'))

See the description for DB::GetApproximateSizes() in the LevelDB C++ API for more information.

Parameters:ranges – variable number of (start, stop) tuples
Returns:approximate sizes for the specified ranges
Return type:list

Return a new PrefixedDB instance for this database.

See the PrefixedDB API for more information.

Parameters:prefix (bytes) – prefix to use
Returns:new PrefixedDB instance
Return type:PrefixedDB

Prefixed database

class PrefixedDB

A DB-like object that transparently prefixes all database keys.

Do not instantiate directly; use DB.prefixed_db() instead.


The prefix used by this PrefixedDB.


The underlying DB instance.


See DB.get().


See DB.put().


See DB.delete().


See DB.write_batch().


See DB.iterator().


See DB.snapshot().


Create another PrefixedDB instance with an additional key prefix, which will be appended to the prefix used by this PrefixedDB instance.

See DB.prefixed_db().

Database maintenance

Existing databases can be repaired or destroyed using these module level functions:

repair_db(name, paranoid_checks=None, write_buffer_size=None, max_open_files=None, lru_cache_size=None, block_size=None, block_restart_interval=None, max_file_size=None, compression='snappy', bloom_filter_bits=0, comparator=None, comparator_name=None)

Repair the specified database.

See DB for a description of the arguments.

See the description for RepairDB() in the LevelDB C++ API for more information.


Destroy the specified database.

Parameters:name (str) – name of the database (directory name)

See the description for DestroyDB() in the LevelDB C++ API for more information.

Write batch

class WriteBatch

Write batch for batch put/delete operations

Instances of this class can be used as context managers (Python’s with block). When the with block terminates, the write batch will automatically write itself to the database without an explicit call to WriteBatch.write():

with db.write_batch() as b:
    b.put(b'key', b'value')

The transaction argument to DB.write_batch() specifies whether the batch should be written after an exception occurred in the with block. By default, the batch is written (this is like a try statement with a finally clause), but if transaction mode is enabled`, the batch will be discarded (this is like a try statement with an else clause).

Note: methods on a WriteBatch do not take a sync argument; this flag can be specified for the complete write batch when it is created using DB.write_batch().

Do not instantiate directly; use DB.write_batch() instead.

See the descriptions for WriteBatch and DB::Write() in the LevelDB C++ API for more information.

put(key, value)

Set a value for the specified key.

This is like DB.put(), but operates on the write batch instead.


Delete the key/value pair for the specified key.

This is like DB.delete(), but operates on the write batch instead.


Clear the batch.

This discards all updates buffered in this write batch.


Write the batch to the associated database. If you use the write batch as a context manager (in a with block), this method will be invoked automatically.


Copy the operations in source (another WriteBatch instance) to this batch.


Return the size of the database changes caused by this batch.


class Snapshot

Database snapshot

A snapshot provides a consistent view over keys and values. After making a snapshot, puts and deletes on the database will not be visible by the snapshot.

Do not keep unnecessary references to instances of this class around longer than needed, because LevelDB will not release the resources required for this snapshot until a snapshot is released.

Do not instantiate directly; use DB.snapshot() instead.

See the descriptions for DB::GetSnapshot() and DB::ReleaseSnapshot() in the LevelDB C++ API for more information.


Get the value for the specified key, or None if no value was set.

Same as DB.get(), but operates on the snapshot instead.


Create a new Iterator instance for this snapshot.

Same as DB.iterator(), but operates on the snapshot instead.


Create a new RawIterator instance for this snapshot.

Same as DB.raw_iterator(), but operates on the snapshot instead.


Close the snapshot. Can also be accomplished using a context manager. See Iterator.close() for an example.

New in version 0.8.


Alias for Snapshot.close(). Release is the terminology used in the LevelDB C++ API.

New in version 0.8.


Regular iterators

Plyvel’s Iterator is intended to be used like a normal Python iterator, so you can just use a standard for loop to iterate over it. Directly invoking methods on the Iterator returned by DB.iterator() method is only required for additional functionality.

class Iterator

Iterator to iterate over (ranges of) a database

The next item in the iterator can be obtained using the next() built-in or by looping over the iterator using a for loop.

Do not instantiate directly; use DB.iterator() or Snapshot.iterator() instead.

See the descriptions for DB::NewIterator() and Iterator in the LevelDB C++ API for more information.


Move one step back and return the previous entry.

This returns the same value as the most recent next() call (if any).


Move the iterator to the start key (or the begin).

This “rewinds” the iterator, so that it is in the same state as when first created. This means calling next() afterwards will return the first entry.


Move the iterator to the stop key (or the end).

This “fast-forwards” the iterator past the end. After this call the iterator is exhausted, which means a call to next() raises StopIteration, but prev() will work.


Move the iterator to the specified target.

This moves the iterator to the the first key that sorts equal or after the specified target within the iterator range (start and stop).


Close the iterator.

This closes the iterator and releases the associated resources. Any further operations on the closed iterator will raise RuntimeError.

To automatically close an iterator, a context manager can be used:

with db.iterator() as it:
    for k, v in it:
        pass  # do something

it.seek_to_start()  # raises RuntimeError

New in version 0.6.

Raw iterators

The raw iteration API mimics the C++ iterator interface provided by LevelDB. See the LevelDB documentation for a detailed description.

class RawIterator

Raw iterator to iterate over a database

New in version 0.7.


Check whether the iterator is currently valid.


Seek to the first key (if any).


Seek to the last key (if any).


Seek to or past the specified key (if any).


Move the iterator one step forward.

May raise IteratorInvalidError.


Move the iterator one step backward.

May raise IteratorInvalidError.


Return the current key.

May raise IteratorInvalidError.


Return the current value.

May raise IteratorInvalidError.


Return the current key and value as a tuple.

May raise IteratorInvalidError.


Close the iterator. Can also be accomplished using a context manager. See Iterator.close().


Plyvel uses standard exceptions like TypeError, ValueError, and RuntimeError as much as possible. For LevelDB specific errors, Plyvel may raise a few custom exceptions, which are described below.

exception Error

Generic LevelDB error

This class is also the “parent” error for other LevelDB errors (IOError and CorruptionError). Other exceptions from this module extend from this class.

exception IOError

LevelDB IO error

This class extends both the main LevelDB Error class from this module and Python’s built-in IOError.

exception CorruptionError

LevelDB corruption error

exception IteratorInvalidError

Used by RawIterator to signal invalid iterator state.